I miss nut butter. I can't believe I've actually gone 25 days without almond butter. A small piece of my soul is missing. I know that sounds a wee bit dramatic, but we all have our vices.
Oh. This has nothing to do with food or paleo or anything, but I contracted with the US Marine Corps two days ago. I will be leaving for Officer Candidate School in October. I don't know how to feel. Happy, yes. Excited, yes. Scared, definitely. Oorah.
What have I put into my mouth lately, followed by how to make what I put in my mouth.

I'm at the end of my kabocha squash, which is sad for me because I love kabocha squash. During the Whole 30 you are not supposed to recreate junk food or common dishes, because it's considered having sex with your pants on. (Not as good as the real thing, but gets the job done). I defend myself by saying that all of food is SWYPO because I love food. I have a strong relationship with it, and adore it. I don't believe that I eat fruit in excess to fill a sugar void, I don't make sweet potato fries because I like fries (they just cook easier in rectangle shapes and I'm too lazy to make mash or anything).
Simple ways to do things. I'm all about that. My food looks good, yes I know. It also takes me less than 20 minutes to make everything (except the squash because I roast that son of a gun). I'll let you in on some secrets.
Broccoli noodles: I don't have a spiral cutter. I should, but I don't. I use a veggie peeler and do long strings. That's also how I make carrot noodles.
BBQ Sauce: Find a clean, organic tomato paste. Equal parts of it with balsamic vinegar. I add chipotle seasoning and a dash of hot sauce. Really. It takes 5 seconds.
Kabocha squash: Cut the thing in half, take out the seeds. Put it hollow side down in an oven for 40 minutes at 400. Put oil on the thing and eat it.
Coconut chicken: Cut chicken into cubes/tenders/cartoon characters. In a Ziplock bag, put shredded coconut (I use two TBSP for 5 oz chicken), some cashew flour (not for me during this nut-free W30), about 1 TBSP, and whatever other seasonings you want. I usually add some ginger, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Flop your chicken in an egg wash made with one egg, then put in the Ziplock bag. Shake shake shake. I have an indoor grill so I grill 5 minutes per side. Using an oven, bake at 350 for 10 minutes (depending on thickness of chicken).
Sweet potato fries: Cut potatoes into fry shape. Try to make them uniform in size so they bake evenly, no more than 1/2 inch thick or they take forever. I LOVE tallow fries, so I use 1 TBSP tallow for 200 g of potato. Smother the tallow all over them. Add sea salt...cayenne...paprika, whatever. Bake at 450 for 20 minutes. Flipping is not required.
Go make something. Make it easy, make it fun, make it delicious. That's how sticking to it happens. You've got this!!
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