Fridays are awesome for me because it's leg day. Leg day is my favorite. Not to brag, but my legs are...big. They're strong too...kind of like a horse. Or a really big dog. Or a Wolff, I guess. That was a really bad one.
Anyways, I get to do legs twice today. There is no bad mood to be had here.
I have finally finished all of my beef heart. Maybe if cows could be smaller animals, I wouldn't have to eat it every day for a week. Three pounds of heart is a whole lotta meals. Delicious, but a whole lotta meals. It was fun to tell people that I was having steak. Little do they know...
Something really cool happened! I post all of my food to Instagram, and I also put Frank's Red Hot Sauce on everything, because it's delicious. Anyway, they messaged me the other day and asked if they could put one of my pictures on their page. Naturally I said yes because...duh.
I plan to go to the farmer's market this weekend. Last weekend I bought wayyyyy too many greens. I need to eat them like a madwomen I don't waste food. It's not in my code. I have two bunches of bok choy, spinach, and like...45 green onions left. I'm about to make the nastiest tasting smoothie ever just to get rid of it all.
Here's a few things I've put into my mouth:

Sometimes I eat out of Tupperware. Nothing screams "badass" like eating beef heart and carrots out of Tupperware. I was disc golfing at the time, and since I don't eat your typical "picnic" food...this is what I got. Judge me.
This weekend I'm driving back to Iowa to go to a wedding. I don't know who's getting married, only that my boyfriend is the best man. Not sure if I should get them a gift. I think I won't, not only because I'm cheap, but because I don't even know the person's name to write a card to or anything. My presence is more than enough.
I'm not worried about wanting cake, or cookies, or whatever gluten/sugar/refined goods are presented, because I stopped having cravings a few days ago. I've been craving fat..literally. My boyfriend cut the chunks of fat off of his grass fed steak and I ate them. I regret nothing.
Sunday, I may be venturing to Kansas City...(sooo much driving!) because Liz Wolfe is signing copies of Eat the Yolks. I will drive five hours for a signature from that lady.
I take back what I said about not having cravings earlier. I really want some blueberries. And a kabocha squash. Maybe I'll mash the two together and see what happens. It'll probably fit right in with my spinach/onion/bok choy smoothie...lord.
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